Here are a few ways to use your Crystals for Healing:
Lay down somewhere comfortable or on the ground and place a crystal in the center of your forehead, and under your pillow or around your head for about 15-20 minutes. (* cool your crystal before hand in the fridge or freezer for a greater cooling and refreshing feeling) If you are experiencing sinus pressure put two crystals on your cheekbones just beneath the eyes.
Crystals worn as jewelry around your neck or as earrings. This allows for direct contact with Healing Energy from Crystals all day.
Keep a crystal under your pillow in a small bag (helps keep it safe from getting lost) when you sleep at night to aid in good sleep.
There are bottles that infuse water with crystal energies but they can be expensive. A simple way to make your own, is to use teabags. Fill an empty teabag with the crystal of your choice. (Organic tea bags are nice but not necessary) place the tea bag in a pitcher of filtered water and chill, letting it sit for a while. The time is really up to you. Some stones cannot be placed in water, so please remember to read on what stones can be placed in water safely.
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