Magic Oils

 Basic Base Instructions

Supplies and Ingredients:

a small glass jar with an air-tight lid (mason jars or recycled jars are amazing!)

cheesecloth or muslin

an oil base (olive oil, sunflower oil, Jojoba oil, Vegetable oil or the like)

another jar or container to hold the finished oil (pretty jars are good but make sure they have good tight fitting lids)

labels  (hand written or printed its up to you)

dried herbs (chosen for your oils intended purpose of course)


Fill about 1/3 of the glass jar with your dried herb(s) of choice.

Pour your oil base over the dried herbs—almost all the way to the top of the jar.

Shake the jar gently.

Label the jar with the oil base, herb(s) used, and the date.

Close the jar tightly and put it in a cabinet—preferably a cool, dark place.

Gently shake the jar twice a day, every day, for the next 2-4 weeks.

After 2-4 weeks, open the jar, place a piece of cheesecloth on top of the jar, and secure with a rubber band.

Strain the oil by tipping the jar over another another jar or bowl (to contain your infused oil).

Once most of the oil is strained out, remove the rubber band and squeeze the remaining oil out of the herbs that are in the cheesecloth.

Bottle the infused oil, and be sure to label and date it!

Common Herbs Used to Infuse Oils








Roses, rosebuds, rose hips





Tip #2: Focus on your intent when making magical oils.

If you are using herb-infused oils for magical or spiritual purposes, remember to concentrate on your intention while making the oil. Your intention and energy is what makes the oil “magical”.

Tip #3: Consider the timing.

Lunar phases play an important part in creating magical oils. For instance, if you are making a magical oil to use in money magic, make it on a new or waxing moon and bottle it at the next new or waxing moon.

How to Use Herb Infused Oils in Magic

There are many magical uses for herb infused oils and essential oils. Magical oils are used to charge, empower, dress, and consecrate spiritual and magical tools and items.

Common Magical Uses:

Anointing your altar

Anointing your tools

Anointing yourself for meditation and ritual

Anointing your home to cleanse or protect.

Dressing candles

Food for mojo bags, nation sacks, spell bags, etc.

In a Pinch? Mix Essential Oils!

If you’re in a magical pinch and don’t have time to make herb infused oils, essential oils work just as well and are easy to attain. If you already have essential oils on hand, mix two or more together for the desired effect, scent, etc. For example, if you want to ease anxiety before an interview, mix lavender essential oil with lemongrass essential oil then dab it onto your wrists. If you need a banishing oil to dress a candle, rub cinnamon essential oil from the top of the candle to the bottom and all around it.

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Midsummer Fairy Magical Oils Recipe

Here is one of my favorite magical oils recipes (one of my staple herb infused oils) that I want to share with you all.


Sweet almond oil

Lavender flowers


Hawthorn leaves and flowers



On a waxing moon, fill a jar 1/3 of the way with the dried herbs.

Cover the herbs with the sweet almond oil, filling the jar almost to the top.

Shake gently and label with the oil base, herbs, and date of creation.

Put away in dark, cool place for a month, shaking gently everyday.

On the next waxing moon, strain the herbs out of the oil and label the new bottle with the date and ingredients.


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