To give someone compassion spell


Give Someone Compassion

You will need the following items for this spell:

Rose Quartz


Pink peice of paper


Wand/or finger

Glass bowl or jar

So the first thing you need to do is make an elixir with the rose quartz and the amethyst, to do that you need to fill the glass jar or bowl with water and drop the gems in, then leave it in sun or moonlight for 3-6 hours.

Once that's done you can start the spell, write the persons name on the peice of pink paper and place it in the center of your pentagram, dip your wand or finger in the elixir. Circle it around the paper while chanting:

''Kindness compassion find the one I seek, to see their ways to a better phrase, of thinking, this is my will so mote it be''

After that place the paper in the elixir until the ink is all blurry and you can't see the name anymore, then you done.

Good luck!


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